Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well by God's grace.
Happy new month of October. I can't believe we are already in the 10th month of 2021. lf you didn't know, I released my debut novel last month and it was such a wonderful experience. After four years of planning, writing, editing, and formatting, my debut novel--The One Who Knows Me is finally out in the world.

TOWKM is book one in a three book series called the Sovereign Love series. I love this story so much and if you decide to read it, I hope God uses it to bless and encourage you.
I vlogged the entire process of prepping for the release of my debut novel and I shared these experiences on YouTube. In the videos, I talk about how I planned the virtual media tour, sent out advanced reader copies to advance readers, how I packaged and signed copies, and I talk about some of the early reviews I got.
If you are interested in how I prepped for the book release, then you can watch the videos below.
You can purchase a copy of TOWKM here: https://books2read.com/u/mq1DD2
You can purchase a signed copy of TOWKM here (UK ONLY): https://www.joanembola.co.uk/product-page/the-one-who-knows-me-signed-copy-bundle
Add TOWKM on Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57022763-the-one-who-knows-me
Check out TOWKM playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3tMLO1fh97T8eZmCX3Hf0Y
Thank you so much for reading and watching.
Lots of love
Joanny 💕