Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well by God's grace. I also hope you are having a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. Today I wanted to share with you my experience selling my books at a pop up market a few weeks ago. This year, God has been encouraging me to become more intentional about my author business and one of the things He has challenged me to do is to step out of my comfort zone.
Being the introvert that I am, selling at a pop up market was never something I thought I would ever do. But God helped me to overcome my fears and do something I've never done before. I got the chance to meet other amazing small business owners and also to talk about God, writing and being an author. I vlogged my entire experience and shared the video on my YouTube channel. You can watch the video below.
Let me know if you have any questions about pop up shops, writing, or being an author and I will be more than happy to answer. Click here to get a copy of the TOWKM and click here to get a signed paperback copy if you live in the UK, and click here to get a signed book plate if you are are international.
Have you ever been to a pop up market/ shop?
If yes, how did you find it?
If no, do you think you would go to one?
Thank you so much for reading and watching
God bless you
Joanny 💕